These contact telephone numbers and links to other internet web pages give you information on certain public services provided by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office or other government, non-profit, or law enforcement agencies.
Alcohol Permits
DeKalb County Police Department 404-297-3934
Animal Services and Enforcement
Visit or call 404-294-2996
Business Licenses
DeKalb County Government 404-371-2461
Domestic Violence
DeKalb Sheriff’s Office Domestic Violence Unit 404-298-8300
DeKalb County Magistrate Court/Civil Division 404-371-2261
Jury Duty
Superior Court Clerk’s Office 404-371-2022
Police Precincts
DeKalb County Police Department
North-Central Precinct 770-724-7600
Tucker Precinct 678-937-5301
South Precinct 404-286-7900
East Precinct 770-482-0300
Pistol Permits
DeKalb County Probate Court 404-371-2601
Sex Offenders
DeKalb Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Unit (SORT)
(404-298-8397 days; 404-298-8200 nights)
To access the national Sex Offender Registry to find registered sex offenders in your community, CLICK HERE
Victim Notification Service (VINE)
To be notified of the release of an inmate, CLICK HERE and register at the Victim Notification website.
Secondary Metal Recyclers Registration
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 10-1-360, secondary metals recyclers who purchase regulated metal property in any quantity must register with the appropriate sheriff’s office(s) beginning July 1, 2012.
Registration Process
Annually, the Office of Sheriff is required to register secondary metals recyclers doing business in the county, keep a record of each registration, and cause the registration information to be entered into a statewide data base searchable by all law enforcement agencies. THE REGISTRATION FORM, authorized by the Secretary of State, must be used for the registration process.
- The recycler must submit a completed form in person to the appropriate sheriff’s office(s).
- Obtain a copy of the driver’s license or other identification of the person submitting registration documents.
- If the recycler is a qualified alien or non-immigrant, SECURE AND VERIFIABLE DOCUMENTATION must be attached to the application. A list of verifiable documents is included with these instructions.
- Inform the recycler that pursuant to HB872, the statutes that pertain to secondary metals recyclers are: O.C.G.A. § 10-1-350 through O.C.G.A. § 10-3-363, O.C.G.A. § 40-3-36, and O.C.G.A. § 40-3-56. The recycler must be familiar with these statutes. The recycler can visit the Georgia Recyclers Association website to review a summary of relevant laws. This information is on the registration form.
- The sheriff’s office must complete page 3 of the registration form.
- Annually collect a non-refundable registration fee of $200, which must be remitted to the county governing authority. Registrations cannot be considered without full payment of $200.
NOTE: You must bring two separate checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders – each in the amount of $100. One payment should be made payable to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office and the other payment should be made payable to the Georgia Sheriff’s Association.
- Each registration is valid for a twelve month period beginning with the effective date of registration established by the sheriff’s office once all registration requirements are met.
- The record of each registration will be entered into an electronic data base accessible statewide.
How the Appropriate County of Registration is Determined
Business (Corporation or Partnership)
The recycler registering as a business must register with the sheriff in the county where the place of operation is maintained. If the recycler maintains a place of operation in more than one county, he/she must register the business in each county.
Individual (Sole Proprietor)
An individual must register in the county where he/she resides.
Non-resident of Georgia
A recycler who is not a resident of Georgia must register in the county where he/she primarily engages or intends to operate as a secondary metals recycler.
Raffle Licensing
In Georgia, county sheriffs are charged with enforcing the Georgia Raffle Law, which was enacted in 1995. Fund-raising lotteries or raffles are considered games of chance, and are therefore regulated by the state.
Only nonprofit tax-exempt entities, such as churches, schools and civic organizations, are allowed to perform a raffle. Eligible entities are nonprofit organizations qualified under §501c of the Internal Revenue Code, or bona fide nonprofit organizations approved by the sheriff. Georgia law §16-12-22.1 requires such organizations to obtain a license from the Sheriff’s Office of the county in which the nonprofit organization is located.
In addition, to obtain a raffle license, the organization:
- must have been in existence for a minimum of 24 months
- must pay an annual fee of $100 to the Sheriff’s Office
If the organization conducts no more than three raffles during a calendar year, the Sheriff’s Office can issue a special limited license and waive the fee.
The license will expire on December 31st in the year of issuance, so it must be renewed to conduct annual raffles. Renewal applications must be submitted prior to January 1st of each year. By April 15th of each year, the licensed organization must file with the Sheriff’s Office a professional accountant’s independently prepared report of receipts and disbursements from raffles conducted in the previous year.
For more detailed information about license requirements:
- Review the CONSENT FORM
Operating a raffle without the license or failing to meet the requirements is a violation of Georgia Law and subject to prosecution.
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office (DKSO) maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual activity among the up to 3,800 inmates who could potentially be housed daily at the DeKalb County Jail.
DKSO policy is based on the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), the key provisions of the U.S. Department of Justice’s standards for the prevention, detection, and response to sexual abuse in confinement facilities. PREA requires an Annual Report to the public on statistical data related to outcries, investigations, and documentation of the specific actions taken by our staff to assist inmates in our custody.
Our staff is trained to respond to, investigate, and support the prosecution of sexual abuse incidents according to our correctional procedures. Through continual education of staff and inmates, DKSO has increased awareness of safe reporting and we have provided services to victims – creating a facility culture that discourages sexual abuse. Through housing and classification assignments, our staff identifies opportunities to separate and monitor sexually predatory inmates and vulnerable inmates to reduce the incidences of sexual abuse.
DKSO policies stress the agencies’ zero tolerance policy and provides guidelines to address the perpetration of prohibited and/or illegal sexually abusive behavior involving inmate against staff victims, inmate against inmate victims and staff against inmate victims. Our officers, vendors, and volunteers are trained to detect incidents, perpetrators, and inmate victims of sexually abusive behavior and how to seek assistance. Staff is trained on how to intervene properly and in a timely manner to document, report, and investigate all reported incidents, including how to collect evidence in order to assist DeKalb Criminal Investigation Division (CID) in prosecuting perpetrators.
The protection and safety of our inmates is a top priority. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office recognizes that addressing inappropriate sexual behavior by inmates and/or staff furthers the objectives of PREA by increasing the overall security and safety of the facility. DKSO maintains a partnership with local law enforcement and victim services within DeKalb County to formally prosecute cases. All outcries of sexual assault generate a report of the case, even if the incident occurred prior to arrest or while in custody at the DeKalb County Jail.
The Office of Professional Standards works with the agency’s PREA Coordinator, Medical Staff, Jail Commanders, and community resources to monitor abuse outcries and to ensure the staff responds properly with resources that would be available to any DeKalb County citizen. The annual review and report of reported incidents provides specific comparison data to track issues or concerns while ensuring the officers follow specific policies and procedures.
Our Office of Professional Standards (OPS) performs reviews of all PREA case files to ensure that DKSO staff followed proper procedures.
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office provides several options for third party reporting of incidents or claims. To report an incident on behalf of an inmate or detainee, you can:
- Notify a DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office staff member,
- Call the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office PREA Hotline at 404-298-8109,
- Contact the Office of Professional Standards:
- By phone at 404-298-8125,
- In person at 4415 Memorial Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30032
- By letter mailed to the above address
- Online using the COMMENT FORM
NEW REPORTING TECHNOLOGY. In 2018, DKSO focused on creating multiple means of reporting abuse by allowing the inmate to report the incident to a confidential hotline or directly to our medical staff by submitting a medical grievance privately in the inmate kiosk located in each housing pod.
INMATE ORIENTATION PRESENTATION. DKSO created an orientation to PREA that informs inmates of the policy and its procedures within the first 48 hours of arrest and prior to their classification for assignment to a housing unit. The orientation involves verbal communication with an officer who is specifically trained to handle any concerns presented by the inmate.
COMPLIANCE SUPPORT FUNDING. DKSO was awarded a $150,000 grant in 2018 by the Bureau of Justice (BOJ) Prison Rape Elimination Grant Safeguard: “Establishing Zero Tolerance for Sexual Assault” project in support of our PREA compliance efforts. As a result, we developed a policy and protocol review, provided education to staff and inmates, and established clear mandatory reporting procedures for inmates. Funds also provided an expert policy review and evaluation and staff training on best practices.
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office appreciates the collaboration of efforts by our community partners, fellow law enforcement agencies, and our contracted medical and mental health service professionals. Together, we work together to increase safety for the most vulnerable inmates in our facility while strengthening the foundation of safety for all inmates.